Communication and Service Users Essay

Submitted By Rudolfina1
Words: 3103
Pages: 13

Humans communicate for a wide variety of reasons. Put simply, our survival and success has been dependant on our ability to communicate. With good communication and teamwork, animals are able to avoid predators, as well as kill other animals far bigger than themselves. That shows why we've evolved to have great communication from an evolutionary perspective, and why we communicated in the first place. Communication still plays a vital part in our survival, for example a baby will scream (which is a form of communication), when it is hungry. Also sharing ideas though communication has meant that each generation of humans has been able to refine and improve the previous generations work. There is simply no way that something as complex as an engine could have been designed by one person. It took years of thinking and ideas communicated down generations before the engine could finally be a reality.Socially, communication is very important. We want to make friends with people who will listen to our ideas, and also to keep in contact with those who are close to us (family etc). Talking is often about letting someone else understand your point of view, or about finding common ground between two (or more) differing opinions. Communication satisfies our constant need to relate to others, and have them relate to us.

Communication is an exchange of feelings, ideas, and information whether by speaking ,writing, signals or behaviors.
When does it happen?
When a person sends or receives information, ideas and feelings with others not only using spoken or written communication but also nonverbal communication. It is important to remember that communication is not a matter of one sender and one receiver, but rather an exchange in which you and someone else are both sender and receiver. Communication is not one way This means that for real communication to take place, there must be interaction, with each player participating.
Is it possible not to communicate??
No! That’s because communication does not involve just word, but it is also related to and unless one is dead, one always "behaves". Even staying still is a behavior. Silence communicates. Our bodies communicate non-verbally. So, so long as there is life there is communication, even if the person is intentionally trying to cease all communication.
Why do we communicate? - We communicate with ourselves and other people to fill current inner tensions, or needs.
- The six current needs we each try to fill are:
To feel respected by self and others
To give or get credible information,
To cause or prevent inner and/or interpersonal change - including changing or maintaining the emotional distance between us and others,
3. To went to feel deeply understood and accepted
4. To create excitement ( reduce numbers of boredom)
5. To avoid something uncomfortable, like silence or a confrontation.

Poor communication results in poor performance. there is poor communication in an organization, there can be any number of negative outcomes, including errors, productivity declines, distrust, lower morale, confusion, absenteeism, and general dissatisfaction.
Communication process:
Sender Initiate meaning, encode, send, interacts with feedback.
Message the meaning that sender transmits (words, ideas, body language…)
- encoding : put the meaning in codes including words, voice and body language.
Noise or interference: Things which change the meaning indeed.
-Physical: external noise such as the car horns or the high sound of radio. It also includes unpleasant smell, the annoying weather, strong perfume smell or distracting behavior of the speaker.
-Mental: In the human mind, mental models impact or block the meaning of the message.
- Linguistic: the different interpretations of words.
- Technical: noise in communication channels such as telephone or GSM.
Elements of communication process:
Chanel: The medium by which the message is transmitted. Normal