Communication And Professional Relationships With Children, Young People And Adults

Submitted By Kieron82
Words: 1387
Pages: 6

Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning in Schools.

3.1: 'Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults'.

Effective communication is of paramount importance within all facets of life; but in particular, as my role as an educator of children, within my profession. This poses the question, “What is effective communication?”, and how can I facilitate
Communication effectively?-as to maximise the potential result of the desired outcome; by the initiator of the dialogue, whether it be verbalised information designated in purpose, to either: inform, instruct, clarify, expound, reprimand, motivate or cajole pupils. Constantly within our roles, we communicate to the pupils what it is, that is exactly required of them, and how they should respond accordingly in that context. Communication is derived from the root Latin verb 'communicare', which means 'to share'. The transmission of information from the sender, relies upon the recipient being able to decode the intent of the message from the sender. Successful communication entails two mutually exclusive skills; the ability to codify the initial thought or feeling; and then being able to vocalise it clearly and concisely, without any ambiguity. Alongside this, their has to be the ability of the receiver, to decode the direct message and whatever it might possibly infer. Feedback is a crucial tool in: relaying and establishing an overview of the interaction; to ensure the message was decoded correctly and fully understood. This is usually done through the paraphrasing and questioning by the recipient to the sender, once the conversation has reached its natural conclusion. Communication doesn't solely draw on our skills of being able to, coherently speak and listen. Body language; expression and gesticulation, eye contact, tonality and pace of voice, as well as the proximity of the dialogue- are some of the contributing factors that either; reinforce or detract, from the sender's effectiveness or quality of their message. Likewise, the recipient can use body language and non-verbal feedback to demonstrate they understand ( for example, head -nodding), or are that they are confused ( for example, frowning).Thus, if this is the case- the message needs more explanation and simplification; so the feedback loop is repeated, until the desired intent of the initial message is accomplished. All of our relationships are cultivated through communication. Friendships are formed throughout our school years, by the information exchange of shared likes and dislikes. The playing of team games and the ability to communicate with our team-mates, hones our communicative skills. Paradoxically, it helps build our own individual sense of autonomy, self-esteem and efficacy. The adolescent finds their voice, as they are given a platform to voice their internal beliefs and opinions in a safe environment- fermenting rapport amongst peers, which develops through bonding over perceived similarities, shared interests and common objectives. The use of open ended questions, is one of the numerous and commonly utilised techniques employed by 'effective' communicators, which allow the natural ebb of a conversation to continue in more depth; providing a deeper insight and probing into someone's thoughts and motives, creating understanding and empathy. Possibly, even cementing lasting relationships, all of which were partially achieved, via the emotionally-intelligent communicator's persistence, in not letting a conversation die prematurely. However, communication is governed by certain rules of social etiquette and formalities of which are applicable; to whomever we are speaking to, in almost all likely scenarios,that each of us has been taught as children,from our formative years. The way and manner, in which we speak to our