Compare And Contrast A Secret Lost In The Water And My Father Is A Simple Man

Words: 543
Pages: 3

Synthesis Essay

Both of the short story “A secret Lost in the Water” by Roch Carrier and the narrative poem “My Father Is a Simple Man” by Luis Omar Salinas explore the relationship between father and son. Whereas Carrier’s story is about a son who feels regret at not having learned from his father before he passed away, Salinas’s speaker is motivated by a desire to show respect to his dying father. The short story is much sadder than the poem since the father is no longer be alive anymore. In his short story, Carrier sets the background in a slow paced countryside town which is far from cities. The characters in the story are developed through different conflicts. In contrast to the older generation who conflict with the society due to their age, the younger generation also have internal conflicts. What’s more, the water in the title is a conventional symbol which refers to the flowing time that slip through fingers. It also represents the unseen and hidden
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Salinas characterized the father as patient, unpretentious and simple, this is shown in the excerpt “He’s sure I’ll be healthy so long as I eat more oranges” (Salinas 229). The oranges symbolize the healthy lifestyle that will keep the son heathy. It shows that the father loves his son and gives him the life advice he thinks is useful. Even though the father is poorly educated and only a normal person, the speaker in the poem admires and shows great respect to his father as he is a thoughtful and wise man. The passage “I ask him what he thinks about death and he says he will gladly face it when it comes but won’t jump out in front of a car” (Salinas 229) illustrates that he is going to deal with the death wisely. Although the title refers to the father as a simple man, however, he is a man with greatness since the kindness and patience he has are