Compare And Contrast Donald Trump And Tom Buchanan

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Pages: 5

A world where morals are not seen and are not used is a world no one wants to live in… yet, this is the world today. The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald tells a twisted love story that inevitably is destroyed, and the antagonist of the novel gets everything whereas the protagonist just dies. Tom Buchanan's rude and ill mannered ways caused success in his life similar to Donald Trump, who surprisingly is leading the GOP election after saying racist remarks… no one WAS supposed to vote ‘Team Trump’. Life is supposed to be happy like a fairy tale, but lately these fairytale villains seem to be taking over.
Everyone’s least favorite antagonist, in non fiction history, Tom Buchanan grew up a wealthy boy and enjoyed many luxuries his whole life.
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Trump built a major company, invented a highly rated reality tv show, and now is running for a bid for presidency; his past certainly had effect on his successes of present day. Young Donald grew up in Queens, New York with a dad of Fred Trump, whom WAS building a real estate tycoon. One could say Trump had a very privileged childhood with rich parents who sent,at the time, a ill mannered 13 year old Donald Trump to military school to make him a better man. Richard Feloni of Business Insider writes of these times, “Trump’s father sent him to The New York military academy to straighten him out and keep him out of the trouble he liked to get into as a boy. He joined when he WAS 13 and stayed from 8th grade to the end of high school, graduating as captain of cadets. (Feloni 1)” At the age of 25 Donald Trump WAS given control of his father's real estate company. His adulthood including building and buying land and hotels to expand profits for his business, briefly running for president in 2000, and in 2004 his tv world started off. From appearances on the show The Apprentice, to then hosting his own show, Celebrity Apprentice, Trump gained the love of the public. Biography Authors Inc.writes of Trump’s economical success, “But Donald Trump climbed back from nearly $900 million in the red to a reported worth of close to $2 billion by 1997. (Publishers 1) All of these events in his life lead up to today, where this political …show more content…
Tom Buchanan WAS brought up into this world in a rich family, similarly WAS Donald Trump. Another thing both people have in common is their appearance. Tom is described as a towering individual with the looks of pure strength. Fitzgerald wrote, “Now he WAS a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. (Fitzgerald 7)” Everyone of course has seen pictures or footage of Trump, blonde hair, piercing eyes, and a judgemental grin that seems to feel out his enemies weaknesses. In addition, to this both men enjoy similar activities. Donald Trump and all of his riches enjoy the sport of golf, enjoying the best foods and wine, takes pride in his estates ,and is aspiring a political campaign. Tom Buchanan likes the same ideas but goes to more of an extreme. For example Tom has the best mansion, with the best items filled within the walls. F.Scott describes, “A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as windows on the sea. (Fitzgerald 8)” Pure elegance as one could see in any of