Compare And Contrast Essay: Difference Between Horse And Showmanship

Words: 872
Pages: 4

Walk, trot, stop, set up or walk, trot, stop, back, pivot, set up. What’s the difference between these things you may ask? Well in halter you walk, trot, and set up, but in showmanship, you walk, trot, stop, back, pivot, and set up. This still doesn’t seem like much of a difference. So we will get down into the details on why and how they are different. Besides the movements you do, there are many different things that are different in halter and showmanship. In showmanship, you are judged on how you present your horse, but in halter, it’s all about how the horse is built. You might even wear something different for each class if you wanted. Then you also have similarities about both classes. Each class is done unmounted, you use the same halter, and you have the same amount and same judges.
Most people won’t know the difference between these classes unless you happen to show horses. When showing showmanship you are judged on how you present your horses, and in halter, your horse is judged on conformation, which is how well it is built. When being judged in showmanship you are scored upon how you maneuver with your horse. You are judged on how you dress, look, walk and
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Both showmanship and halter you wear the same clothes, but sometimes your showmanship clothes are a little more blingy than halter clothes. The classes are also both unmounted, so that means you lead your horse from the ground. Even all the same tack is used in both of the classes. When showing showmanship and halter you use the same show halter, some people might have a different one for each class but most use the same one. Another thing is the same amount of judges you have. Going to big shows, mostly breed shows, it’s easier to judge under all judges in the same day due to these classes taking so long. Between the two classes, there aren't many similarities, it is mostly all