Compare And Contrast Essay: The Wife Of Bath

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Pages: 5

The Wife of Bath stands up for women’s equality and does not let men push her around. She had five husbands, with each of them she used a technique to get what she wanted. She would blame them for things they did not do also, she would make them buy her things and have complete mastery over all of them. With her fifth husband things become rocky with her having the upper hand in the relationship.Through the book her fifth husband reads a book which in that book degrades women. She snaps back into this mode of control and stands up for women by tearing the pages out of this book. The Wife of Bath thinks women should always have mastery in a marriage,this leads her to realize with her fifth husband women get taken for granted and have a bad reputation, this makes her eager to change that statement. …show more content…
This means that she has dominion over her husbands. She explains that wives will not love husbands that control the entire relationship: “We cannot love a husband who takes charge of where we go. We like to be at large”(267). The wife has a technique so that she will always be the one who makes the decisions. The Wife of Bath describes that she can get complete control by shifting the blame to her husband in every situation: “A knowing wife if she is worth her salt can always prove her husband is at fault”(264). The hypnotizing effect that the wife of bath has on her husbands show that she can turn any situation back on them. In her prologue she explains the way she treats men and how women should always be in control. The way she views the world contains of these ideas in her head, that men treat women horribly and that men should always submit to women. This leads her to view the world as unfair. She wants every woman to be the master and have the men submitting to them, she realizes this with her fifth