Compare And Contrast Hopkins And Deann Derscheid By Melissa Hopkins

Words: 252
Pages: 2

In contrast to DeAnn Derscheid, Melissa Hopkins has 11 kids. Her oldest child is 23 and her youngest is 1 year. She’s a stay at home mom, with 3 kids that stay home with her each day. She starts her day with waking up herself and then waking up her kids. She feeds them breakfast and gets them dressed. She has many teenagers in her house too so she has help in that area. At about 7:45am she drives the kids down to the bus stop. After the bus takes 4 of her kids away, she goes back home and gets her 3 year old ready for preschool. In the midst of all this, she has to take the dog out 3 times. When all her kids are at school, she does laundry, lots of laundry, and dishes. Eventually around 11am she has to go pick up the 3 year old, Elijah