Compare And Contrast Inca And Aztec Civilization

Words: 927
Pages: 4

Insert clever title There is no doubt that both the Inca and Aztec civilizations were great. They have gone down in history for their accomplishments and contributions. However, the debatable question opens up then about which civilization is greater than the other. Each one had its defining points and their differences made them significant in separate ways. Yet the verdict comes down that the Inca civilization was the most impressive out of the two. Even in today’s world there are many versions of how the creation of the world came to be so it is no surprise that both the Incas and Aztecs had their own accounts of creation. The Incas believed that their Lord started the creation process and then scrapped it. Subsequently the Lord restarted the creation process by actually forming the elements of life most people think of today like water and celestial bodies before making animals and people of stone. The humans he created were divided geographically, linguistically, and otherwise. From there, the Lord himself walked among the stone people, causing them to spring into life. This is nowhere resembling the Aztec account of a creator taking bones from death to make people, accidentally breaking the bones in the process and thus explaining why all humans are different sizes. This account also explains that the sacrifices they practice are to appease the one who gives and could possibly take. Although both are oral histories …show more content…
Each civilization’s stories of creation, practices, and societal systems help put together pieces of what might otherwise be a huge puzzle regarding life in the Americas during ancient times. Then again, it is helpful to remember the glimpses of life recorded through quoted sources could be narrow and biased scopes of an even larger photo that is unknown. Still, the impacts made these two groups is undeniable yet the Incas trump