Compare And Contrast Indus Valley And Mesopotamia

Words: 486
Pages: 2

Today I am going to be comparing different civilizations. I will be comparing their governments, military, and how they tried to control nature. There are 4 different civilizations china, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus valley civilization. For the government, military and how they tried to control nature and I will be comparing the Indus valley and Mesopotamia.
I will be telling you about the Mesopotamia and Indus valley and how they tried to control nature Sumerians worked together to control nature they build irrigation ditches to control water produce. Walled cities for defense. Indus valley worked together to put the city on mud brick platform to help against floods. Brick walls protect city against intruders. Streets are 30 feet wide. Separate rows of houses they domesticated animals. Engineers built a sewage system.
Some things they had in common where they both had task and obstacles they could not fix like earth quakes and floods etc. They both had built walls, they both built irrigation systems. Some things they did that were different where the Mesopotamians were a little less advanced it seems but they didn’t do much more than that. Indus valley put there city on a brick plat
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They thought god controlled nature. They believed gods act as people but people are god’s servants. Life after death is dark and gloomy. Egyptians are polytheistic they believe in over 2000 gods. Re is sun god and Osiris, god of the dead and goddess Isis is ideal woman . they believed in life after death. They did mummification to pharos and royalty. They believed in the book of the dead which is a book that contains spells and spirits. Some of the same ones are they are both polytheistic and believe in life after death. Some stuff that is different is they thought god controlled nature and they did mummification and they did not have the book of the