Compare And Contrast Marco Polo And Ibn Battuta

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Pages: 2

Macro Polo in “The travels of Marco Polo” and Ibn Battuta in “Travels in Asia and Africa”, experienced new cultural ideas and advancements throughout the western and eastern realms. By having a broad understanding of the different countries they had visited, this allowed growths in trade and the spread of diversity to occur within different nations. The two explorers were particularly interested in the cultural and economic aspects of China. Through their explorations, Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta brought new inspirations to other explorers. Though both came from different cultural backgrounds they express some similarities as well as different beliefs in their travels to China.
Being from Venice, Marco Polo in “The travels of Marco Polo”, grew up in a Catholic based background. He journeyed
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One of the things that Marco came across during this travels to China was the subject of death. Upon the death of any family member or of other people, men and women would clothe themselves fully and bring the body to its rightful place accompanied by musical instruments. During the process of burning the dead, paper with painted drawings such as animals and people were thrown into the fire. In doing so, it is believed that the deceased will attain these properties in their afterlife. From this one can see that the people of China wanted their people to continue their life even after death. It shows how the people of China treated its people with great care not only during the present but also in their afterlife. In “Travels in Asia and Africa”, Ibn Battuta, was a Muslim traveler from North Africa. When hearing about how the Chinese had treated their people during death, he had compared them with the Hindus. He saw it as being sacrilegious and disrespectful. Battuta concluded that people in china didn’t seem to have respect for