Compare And Contrast Ponyboy And Johnny In The Crucible '

Words: 242
Pages: 1

Body paragraph 1 “Don’t you know a rumble ain’t a rumble without me?”By Dally A hero is someone that saved someone from danger. Ponyboy is a hero because he sees Socs and Greasers as just people. And Johnny is a hero because Ponyboy and Johnny saved some kids from a burning church. Dally is a hero because he helped Ponyboy and Johnny escape town after when Johnny kills Bob.

Body paragraph 2
A reason why Ponyboy is a hero is because he saved children from a burning church and he is also a hero because he sees Greasers and Socs as just people. And he is also a hero because he made a friend with a Socs named Randy but Ponyboy thought that Randy was going to do something bad, but he just wanted to talk with him and they ended up being friends.