Compare And Contrast Robert Smithson's Tour Of The Monuments Of Passek

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Pages: 1

In this essay I will compare Robert Smithson's Tour of the Monuments of Passaic in New Jersey with St. Brendan's account of his Voyage. St. Brendan is highly remembered for his voyage to the land of the promised. He sailed in a leather boat that was similar to the size and the shape of a currach. He had between 16 to 60 men with him on board.
My first point of comparison is the time these two journeys happened in the past. St Brendan was born near Tralee in 484 and set out on his voyage to England around 512AD. This contrasts with Robert Smithson’s Tour of the Monuments of Passaic as this took place in 1967. These were two completely different time frames in history. During the time of St. Brendan’s voyage, the world was believed to be flat,