Compare And Contrast Socrates And Mustapha Mond

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Pages: 6

Me: The society that the World State idealizes does not make me think of idealism but only disgust.
Mustapha Mond: It is not disgust but a sacrifice for a societal happiness. I can argue that art, literature and scientific freedom must be sacrificed in order to secure the ultimate utilitarian goal of maximizing societal happiness.
John the Savage: However, technological wonders and soulless consumerism are no substitute for individual freedom, human dignity and personal integrity. Sacrificing ones freedom of their own does not correlate with societal happiness.
Me: I have to agree with John the Savage, individual freedom, human dignity and personal integrity leads to societal freedom and happiness. Humans are made to have emotions; Humans are not to be created by
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Happiness is obtainable and teachable through human effort. Why is World State trying to stop people from being happy? It is what they desire naturally as human.
Mustapha Mond: We are not stopping anyone from being happy. That is why we are dosing everyone with Soma to keep them happy.
Me: No, you are not keeping them happy, you are forcing happiness in them. You are giving yourself excuses. That is not true happiness, only delusions.
Socrates: Happiness depends not on external goods but how we use these external goods. You should give human a chance to “use” the external goods to be happy. Through Happiness a soul will learn how to harmonize with their desires. Wouldn’t you want Happiness Mustapha Mond?
Mustapha Mond: Yes, All I want is stability and happiness but I do not want emotions, human relations and individual expression. Those are enemies of social stability and happiness. They will destroy my ultimate goal as humankind. Like I said before, stability is the highest social virtue because it leads to lasting happiness.
Socrates: Yes, Virtue and Happiness are linked to each other, it is impossible to have one with the