Compare And Contrast Steve Jobs And La Vida Robot

Words: 338
Pages: 2

Walter Isaacson, author of “Steve Jobs” and Joshua Davis, author of “La Vida Robot” both share the same underlying theme that a team is stronger than one person. The two people who will be compared and contrast from each story would be Oscar the leader and Lorenzo the mechanic compared to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. An exceptional team is a sum of people with strengths and weaknesses that balance out, creating a higher chance of success than failure.

In “La Vida Robot” Oscar is similar to Jobs because they are both “the people person” of their team. “Oscar...he knew how to motivate people”(Davis,pg.191.) “Said Wozniak… I mean, he knew how to talk to a sales representative… I could never have done that.”(Isaacson,pg.214.) The difference