Compare And Contrast The Constitution And Bill Of Rights

Words: 528
Pages: 3

The Constitution and Bill of rights reflected American colonial and revolutionary experience. American colonist felt they were being deprived of basic rights under King George III, these feelings from the colonists led to thoughts of separating from England. American colonist felt it was their right to institute a new government where the powers were distributed, allowing the people to have control over their government. The abuses and offenses the colonist had suffered gave them insights into how they wanted their new government to run.
The first amendment in the bill of rights states that no law respecting an establishment of religion or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, being the first amendment shows how important it was to American colonist. A major reason many colonist first came to America was to avoid religious persecution from the King. When the colonies were first settled they were settled according to which religion the colonist practiced, they had no religious freedoms or freedom
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These acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries. The Judicial branch was a solution for colonist so that they would always have a trial by jury, along with making the legislative branch to control taxes. Both these branches the people have a say in what is being done. Another reason that colonist were upset with England was the proclamation of 1763 which forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, and which required any settlers already living west of the mountains to move back east. After the French and Indian war Americans assumed they would be able to settle in this land that they had fought for, but were abruptly told they couldn’t by King George