Compare And Contrast The Fall Of Rome And Napoleon's Empire

Words: 883
Pages: 4

Fall of Rome and Napoleon's Empire is too big and uncontrollable. The Roman Empire fell in 476 after the invasion of the many Barbarian Tribe. A reason for the fall of Rome was the instability in the government. After the civil war, Rome had been inconsistent with successful men taking the throne. This led to confused citizens who lost faith in the government. Another reason for the fall of Rome was because of the size. With over 70 million citizens, the Roman Empire stretched from the Euphrates River to the Atlantic Ocean. It’s size made for communication with either side, nearly impossible. The fall of Rome is similar to the fall of Napoleon’s Empire. Napoleon led France to have good finances, a central monarchy, and a great army. Napoleon spread his nationalism to each area that he concurred. This was called the Napoleonic Code. The Concert of Europe’s main goal was an agreement to try and stop Napoleon and …show more content…
Merchants in Europe became enticed with the idea of new items in Asia. If the a country was to discover something that was new, it brought popularity to that country. It made them more prestigious. Another reason for the voyages was to evangelize and convert the natives to Christianity.
Age of Exploration leads to the spread of Christianity throughout the new world. The main objective of heading to the new world was for the goods and to spread religion. As England landed in the New World, more religious practices were spread. For example, Anglicanism had become prominent in Colonial America. When Spain landed in the New World, conquistadors started to spread Roman Catholicism in the colonies.
Age of exploration leads to better ships leads to better navies. When the Portuguese started to explore the coast of Africa in 1418, Prince Henry advised a new type of ship to be built. It featured lighter material, faster, easy to operate and the caravel. This acted in introducing a new design for navies as