Compare And Contrast The Most Dangerous Game And The Interlopers

Words: 328
Pages: 2

Men have killed each other since the dawn of time. Some because of hate for someone, or because they have fun doing it. It all ends the same for them anyway. In Ricahrd Connells short story "The Most Dangerous Game" and Sakis short story " The Interlopers", the main character General Zaroff and which Von Gradwitz are alike in the followin ways; both hunted on his own land, both men hunted people, and both men died. Even though both Zaroff and Gradwitz were hunting, they did it on their own land. Zaroff and Gradwitz both hunted people, but on their own land. Zaroff hunted on his island, however, Gradwitz hunted on his sectionof land. Zaroff knew every inch of his land. Gradwitz did not know all his land. Gradwitz and Zaroff both hunted