Compare And Contrast The Toltecs And Aztecs

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Pages: 3

The Toltecs were a group of nomadic people. They were sedentary agricultural people. Tula was the capital of the Toltecs.
The Aztecs were Mesoamerican people. These people's civilization came after the Toltecs. Tenochtitlan was a city of the Aztecs people.
Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli were religious gods. These gods were of the Aztec religion. Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli were worshiped in the temple of Tenochtitlan.
A calpulli was a kin group. These kind of kin groups controlled cities by the water. There were calpulli groups in Tenochtitlan.
Chinampas were beds of aquatic weeds, mud, and earth. The beds were extremely narrow since their dimensions were 17 feet by 100-330 feet. Chinampas were used for a system of irrigated agriculture.
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Cusco was the center of the Inca Empire. A famous ruler of the Inca was Pachacuti.
Split inheritance was where the political power and possessions of a ruler would go to his male descendants after he died. These possessions included palaces, wealth, and land. Incas used split inheritance in their rule.
Mita were labor turns. These labor turns consisted of people working continuously changing spots to work on state and church lands. Mita were crucial to Inca control.
A quipu was a system of knotted strings. This system functioned as a recorder system for numerical and possibly other information. The Incas used a quipu since they didn't have a writing system.
Teotihuacan was a city in Mexico before the Aztecs. The city had burned down in 750 CE before the Aztecs discovered it. Teotihuacan featured a large stone pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sun.
The Cahokia were mounds close to the city Cahokia, Illinois. The mounds were supposedly used for ceremonial and administrative purposes along with housing. The Cahokia mounds were part of Mississippian and Mexican culture.
Waru waru was an agricultural technique. This kind of technique used raised fields to prevent erosion damage. Waru waru was used on the Andean