Compare And Contrast Tuck Everlasting

Words: 325
Pages: 2

Tuck Everlasting

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live forever?Would it be fun to live forever?What if you had to keep it a secret?The Tucks could live forever,and told a little girl named Winnie
The book Tuck Everlasting is so different from the movie.They also have some comparisons .Here are some comparisons.The names are all the same in the movie and in the book.The names are Jessie,Winnie,Mae,Tuck,Miles and The Man In The Yellow Suit. When Winne was outside in the book she saw a toad.In the movie she also saw a toad.In the book she talked to the the movie she saw the toad,but didn’t talk to it.She did not go get a bowl of water for the toad,but in the book she went to go get a bowl of water for the toad. In