Compare Ghandi And Mahatma Gandhi

Words: 1066
Pages: 5

Khristian Hill


Martin Luther King jr and Ghandi are both some very strong held leaders. They won't stop for anything if it isn't right. No matter the consequences they will stand up for what is right. It is very hard to be a leader like that. You are risking your life for what's right and other people. Sometimes you have to take one for the team. In other words, it is called sacrifice.

They both show leadership skills. Martin Luther King jr mostly shows courage and compassion. Compassion is sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. You have to take many sacrifices when the time comes. Many occasions will happen but you always have to show compassion. Courage is the ability to take own responsibility
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Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest political and spiritual leader of Bharat during the Indian freedom movement. Method of Nonviolence was the trade mark of both these men. Initially it was Gandhi who was known for his non violence behavior; rather condemn his own party against violence. Gandhi made use of noncooperation, nonviolent resistance and passive resistance as his "artilleries" in the conflict against Britains. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American clergyman, activist and outstanding leader in the Afro-American civil rights campaign. His principal bequest was to ensure advancement on civil rights in the America, and he has become a human rights icon. King led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and assisted found the southerly Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its 1st chairman.

They were different in many ways though. Martin was an american leader, but Gandhi was an indian leader. Martin was trying to bypass segregation and racism. While Gandhi was trying to be free from the britains. They were trying to take over their land and rule them. Technically they were both trying to get free but,they were for different reasons. Gandhi wasn't really abused as much as Martin. Martin was actually beaten called names to his face and imprisoned. While Gandhi was only imposed and called