Compare The Compromises Between 1820 And 1860

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Pages: 3

There were many compromises that broke out during 1820 through 1860. Many of these involved deciding which new land should be a free state or slave state. There were also compromises that involved making laws that were more on slavery. However, at the end of these compromises the South wanted to succeed though, but what made them want to. During 1891 the thought of slavery extending into the western territories began. Thus, the Missouri Compromise took place. The Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Now that Missouri was a slave state, slavery extending west was accomplished. Maine was admitted as a free state because it did not want to break the balance of the United States of America. Southerners thought Maine would be an equal exchange for admitting Missouri as a slave state. Later on in the 1820s and the start of the 1830s is when some high tariffs started to come out. These tariffs threatened the South because it hurt cotton exports. These tariffs lead to the compromise which questioned, can the government impose protective tariffs. The answer was yes. Time has passed and it …show more content…
The presidential election was a compromise because Abraham Lincoln was running for president. The North thought great of Lincoln. They thought if he is president then he would abolish slavery.(Doc. G) On the contrary, the South disliked Lincoln. They disliked him because they thought if he becomes president then he would abolish slavery. The South’s economy was made up of slaves, so if slavery was gone then it would fall apart. The South did not want this to happen. Because the South thought like this they had their own Southern Democratic candidate. The candidate was Breckinridge. The results of the election was as expected. Lincoln won with a total of 180 electoral votes. This made the South scared that slavery was going to be abolish. Before it was some of the South seceded.(Doc.