Comparing Alexander Hamilton's Life And Work

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Pages: 4

Who is Alexander Hamilton? Many people don’t known the answer to his question, as he isn’t talked about or really known anymore, even though he was one of the founding fathers. Nobody knows or really remembers Hamilton because his enemies, such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and even his first friend, Aaron Burr, made do with his legacy. However, the people who do know about Hamilton and what he did to help support our country, would consider him an artist, as Hamilton was a brilliant and skilled writer, served in the revolutionary war and had good skills and plans to help us win, helped ratificate the constitution, and he is one of the three authors of what is now called the Federalist Papers, the other two authors being James Madison and John Jay. …show more content…
Before Hamilton started serving to help in the Revolutionary War, he was President George Washington’s right hand man. Once Alexander began to serve in the war, he and many others, had to fight for the Federalist Cause on multiple fronts. At one point in Alexander Hamilton’s life, he was a judge and during his career, he took up a case called the Rutgers V. Wattington case. This specific case involved the rights of loyalists and if Hamilton never took this case, it wouldn’t have led up to the creation of the Judicial Review System. Even though these topics aren’t very important, Hamilton did other various things in his life that shows that,at the time and even now, Hamilton is and was a very important