Comparing Barbara Hager's Thomas King And A Coyote Columbus Story

Words: 280
Pages: 2

Barbara Hager's "Thomas King" analyzes the literature of the author of the same name and distinguishes various characteristics evident throughout his poems and fiction. Aspects of humour, the iconic Coyote, a symbol of "his literary and cultural sensibilities"(Hager, 4) represented through "trickster characters" (Hager, 4), as well as the incorporation of "slipping around in time and space" (Hager, 5) are all unique attributes that underlie Thomas King's texts and are shown in his "A Coyote Columbus Story". Straight into King's story, the iconic Coyote is introduced, and its presence as an oblivious and odd character aids King to support his claim that "Columbus didn't find America...didn't find Indians" (King, 6). The setting and atmosphere