Comparing Brown's Clotel And Our Nig

Words: 475
Pages: 2

In Brown’s Clotel and Wilson’s Our Nig, gives insight to the personal lives of slaves by zooming in on their struggles, emotions, and relationships.
Like many other narratives both Clotel and Our Nig showed how slaves were looked at as nothing more than property. Both narratives show that it didn’t matter if the child was interracial or not any hint of Black meant being seeing as less than a person. Mag’s children as well as Currer’s children were interracial. The back story to Currer’s daughters is that they are fathered by Thomas Jefferson; who left them behind without thinking twice. Clotel tells the story of a beautiful woman by the name of Currer that had two daughters, Althesa and Clotel. The small family is placed in the slave auction