Comparing Courage In 'To Kill A Mockingbird And Courage'

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Pages: 3

Chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, and “Courage”, written by Edgar Allen Guest, had several similarities in their characterizations and imageries. Harper Lee, specifically, described courage in her own unique manner for many reasons. To start off, the characterization in “Courage” was similar to Harper Lee’s in chapter 11 of her novel. Guest described what courage was as well as what it was not throughout his poem. At one point, he stated, “The brave man never is freed of it. He has it when there is no need of it” (Guest). The brave personage in this section of the poem was said to always have courage, even when he was not using it. From this, learned that courage is something embedded within this kind of a person. …show more content…
Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew’” (Lee 149). Mrs. Dubose had the goal to overcome her intense morphine addiction before she died, a very difficult task due to her dependence on it as a pain killer. Nevertheless, she was determined to surmount this immensely challenging hardship. In the end, her continual courage to overcome this tribulation paid off as she was able to fulfill her goal. Lee presented Mrs. Dubose in this manner to allow the readers to understand Mrs. Dubose more. Mrs. Dubose was previously seen as a cruel old lady who was never satisfied with anything; however, by showing this character’s drive, the readers appreciated and even came to love this remarkable character. The imagery in both of these sources was very similar as well. Guest simply illustrated courage as being, “more than a daring deed” (Guest). In this short and concise description, readers imagined several actions that were more courageous than an average hero running in to save the day. Guest gave them the opportunity to see courage in even the small and simple acts that people perform in their everyday lives, that are usually