Comparing Darius Rejali's Five Myths About Torture And Truth

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Pages: 2

Torture in the twenty-first century has become an extremely concerning problem across the world. In Darius Rejali’s Five Myths about Torture and Truth, that most prisoners whom are being tortured do not give the correct information. “Because even if torturers break a person, they have to recognize it, and most of the time they can’t.” So if this is true then what is the point in torturing someone like in the hypothetical situation provided? The confirmed terrorist is in custody, even if he does reveal the location of the bomb, most likely he or she will still be held accountable and put to death. The best solution to this problem is learning how to empathize with the enemy, learning how to compromise, and interrogating captives instead of torturing them. …show more content…
M Gregg Bloche, wrote in his essay Torture is Wrong-But it Might Work, that “torture doesn’t work because people being abused to the breaking point will say anything to get the brutality to stop.” However, in the case of finding and killing Osama Bin Laden, torture was used against Bin Laden’s comrades to help find his location. (118 Bloche) Taking other’s lives in a plight of Americans against the terrorists will only end badly for both sides. There has to be an attempt to find the root of the problem instead there has been more hatred being fueled at each side, which both seem stagnant on making any progress. The idea of becoming more empathetic towards other’s beliefs is very ideological yet, it does seem like the best alternative to avoid more unnecessary