Comparing Dystopia In 'Repent And Sales Pitch'

Words: 719
Pages: 3

Despite the fact that mankind has used extrapolation as a means to imagine how we as a species could advance in the future, we more often than not use it as a warning, rather than a way to inspire the furtherment of society. In multiple texts we have read throughout this unit, one very strong common theme, has been the fact that most societies are a dystopia, rather than a utopia. In many of these stories, we also meet the protagonist's demise, often via violent means, whether it be the end of their personality like in the story “‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman”, or their implied death such as in the story “Sales Pitch”. This is an interesting tactic used to get the author’s point across, as we are meant to see ourselves in these would be heroes, and if we do make a strong connection, their death in any way, shape, or form, impacts us greatly and is used to steer us away from a reality in which the events presented could take place.
Extrapolation is often a word we have a positive association with, especially when it pertains to the science fiction genre. We associate it with space travel, or the advancement of society in a way which all can benefit. This positive notion, however, is more often founded in naivety. If one were to examine most text, they could see that more often than not, there
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In “Repent Harlequin!” the protagonist is last seen being tortured to conform to society's rules, on the very last page, after the harlequin is caught, he is