Comparing Enuma Elish, Hesiod's Theogony And Genesis

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Pages: 1

As we read Enuma Elish, Hesiod’s Theogony, and Genesis from the Bible, we get a sense of how very similar these are. They all tell a tale of how life as we know it, was created. This describes a very clear picture of relationships between man and women. Genesis speaks of breathing air into man, yet creating women from the rib of a man. This could be taken as women are to be a man’s equal. It states a man is to leave his mother and father to be as one with his wife. Enuma Elish was slightly different because the god Marduk defeated the goddess Tiamat. He destroyed her and split her, creating heaven and earth. This relationship has a different tone then Genesis but still clearly has an outline of what our perception should be. Hesiod’s Theogony