Comparing Eugene Black's Life And Prisons

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Pages: 2

Eugene Black was born in 1928 in Munkacs, Czechoslovakia. He lived with a happy family, 3 sisters and 1 brother. Eugene’s mother came from an orthodox jewish family, but his father didn’t. Eugene survived many Nazi slave labour camps.
On May 14th Eugene was coming back home from school. Over 100 yards away, he saw a German military lorry outside with 2 of his sisters and his father. Eugene saw an SS man abuse his mom and force her onto the lorry. Eugene wasn’t allowed to go into his house, therefore he was forced onto the lorry with the rest of his family plus the other jewish people from the ghetto. “Eugene and his family were ordered into railway cattle trucks and from there transported to Auschwitz Birkenau. Eugene was separated from his whole family. After he was shaved and then showered, he was given a number, 55546, and a striped uniform.
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He was sent to the Little Camp at Buchenwald and then sent to Dora Mittelbau in the Harz mountains. The Nazis used the slave labours to make V1 and V2 rockets underground. Eugene’s job was to load small trucks with rocks that they dug out of the tunnels for 12-14 hours at a time, without taking a break and on “starvation rations.” Eugene became very weak over time and five months later he caught pneumonia, but a german doctor saved his life. In the middle of March in 1945 he was sent to Bergen Belsen. On April 15th he was liberated on the arrival of the British