Comparing God And Devil In The Brothers Karamazov

Words: 513
Pages: 3

Within The Brothers Karamazov, there is a spiritual or essence portrayal of a loving God and a mediocre Devil reflected in the characters. Master and Margarita displays physical characters as representations of a traditional God and Devil; God is Yeshua and the Devil is Woland. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in The Brothers Karamazov, illustrates specific characters to manifest characteristics of a God and Devil. God exists within Father Zosima and Alyosha. Zosima, other than being a leader in a monastery, speaks religious truths and gives holy advice. He advises five women in their respective situations to act with compassion, love, and repentance. For example, one women committed murder against her abusive husband, and Zosima tells her to confess and