Comparing Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown 'And A & P'

Words: 363
Pages: 2

Kalyan Sumanth Krishna [Simon]
Mr. Todd Truffin
English 102 – Academic Writing & Literature
Essay 2– Summary
February 12, 2017
Checking out Faith and Lust: Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown and Updike’s A&P In his article “Checking out Faith and Lust: Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown and Updike’s A&P” the author Patrick. W. Shaw brings to our attention the etching of human folly and its nuances (321), by bringing to light the similarities found in Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and John Updike’s “A & P”.
Shaw, points out to the subtle deceptions of the female characters found in Goodman’s wife Faith and Queenie and the conflicts that assail Goodman Brown and Sammy when confronted with them. They both struggle to deal with their natural instincts of lust, the sensuality of the women, and their faith.
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The author draws our attention to the blend of the colors white and red, white showing the innocence and red denoting unbridled passion. The pink color the female characters are associated with masks their underlying sexuality and the innocent display of it. Shaw further notes that Updike uses pink as a clue to why Sammy responded as he does (322) Sammy quits his job trying to impress the girls and as a punishment for having entertained lustful thoughts. Goodman Brown on the other hand fails to reconcile his “evil” sexuality with his spiritual teachings (322) when he is exposed to his wife’s