Comparing Henley's Invictus 'And' Mother To Son

Words: 582
Pages: 3

People face challenges everyday. Some people learn to just let it and go on with your ad other people have the idea to fight through the challenge and to always keep hope that you will get through it.“Invictus” by William Ernest Henley and “Mother to son” by Langston Hughes both convey the message to overcome the hard times and always have hope.
Through “Invictus” William Henley conveys to push through the hard times and to always keep hope. The use imagery expresses this theme because it's shows the speaker being beaten down but not being torn down. Henley writes “My head is bloody,but unbowed”(8). Here, the speaker shows that he is pain but no matter hard the fight is he will not stop fighting and he is going to keep hope and pride in