Comparing Heroes In Scarlet And Homer's The Odyssey

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Pages: 4

Heroes have come a long way through history as figures who are praised upon for their achievements, whether it is small or large. Heroes are often found in a track of an adventure, following a few steps of guidelines which mark what heroes journey novels should and/or should not have. In Marissa Meyer’s Scarlet and Homer’s The Odyssey, the characters Scarlet and Odysseus both experience similar self-motivated journeys and undergo many quests. However, the standards of heroes for the ancient Greeks and that of modern-time heroes contrast in terms of specific archetypes that appear in the a hero’s journey. Contrasting from The Odyssey, Scarlet faces inner nightmares and monsters, whereas Odysseus encounters physical struggles where force is necessary. Scarlet reaches out to her constitutional struggles when “she repeated, ‘Let me go, let me go, please let me go, let me go,’ to herself but she never was able to grasp [herself]” (Meyer 53). This points out that Scarlet feels as she is fighting a monster inside her, insomuch as Odysseus was forced to match against monsters who threatened him and his crew. Scarlet only sees the enemy inside herself, which also leads to different resolutions between the two heroes, Scarlet and Odysseus. The beasts that the two characters face are an antithesis of each other, as one is physical and one is mental. Additionally, the Queen attempts to …show more content…
Scarlet can be viewed as a mind and spirit battle, as The Odyssey may be viewed as a wit and strength battle. Nowadays, heros in our world are not as advertised. However, now, since heroes are more likely to be expressed from diverse situations and societies, heroes may be considered as more significant in today’s world. Greek heroes gave confidence to a nation, but modern heroes are more likely to give confidence to an