Comparing Heroism In Antigone And Letters From Birmingham Jail

Words: 352
Pages: 2

Antigone and “Letters from Birmingham Jail” share similar characteristics that would otherwise be overlooked without deep analysis. Both literary works display a sense of honor and heroism through the protagonist, Antigone, and civil rights activist, Martin Luther King.
In the play Antigone it shows a girl that is willing to go to Thebes to stop her brothers in the fight to the death for the throne. Antigone explains her plans to her sister Ismene. When Antigone gets there she soon realizes that her brothers died. The difference of both their deaths was that Eteocles died honorably by shielding Thebes and Polyneices did not. This led to Eteocles having a burial and Polyneices was left to be unburied and no one could burry him. Antigone