Comparing How Stories Came To Earth And Master Cat Or Puss In Boots

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Pages: 3

Trickster Tales “Your majesty, welcome to the castle of Marquis de Carabas.”! This is a quote taken from the trickster tale, “Master Cat or Puss in Boots.” The story starts with a miller who has three sons. The miller dies and his property is divided, the eldest son gets a mill, the middle son a donkey, and the youngest gets a cat. The youngest son is not very happy with the situation and decides to kill a cat. He can eat him and use his fur to make a pair of gloves and asks him to spare his life and give him a pair of boots. Master cat does not want that to happen to he decides that he will make him rich. First, he starts catching rabbits and partridges which he does not give to his master but to the king. The king is happy because of the gifts and the cat at every occasion says it is sent by Marquis de Carabas. The cat then makes the miller's son look like a prince so the kings beautiful princess marries him. The Master Cat is then very successful with his wealth and owns all the land. The trickster tales “How Stories Came To Earth” and “Master Cat or Puss in Boots” contain both similarities and differences. …show more content…
They both used anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to gods, animals, and inanimate objects. The tale “How Stories Came To Earth” the main trickster was a spider. The spider looked like an old man and also had a wife. “Master Cat or Puss In Boots” the cat wore clothes and his special boots. They also both had goals they wanted to achieve. The Master Cat wanted wealth and fortune and the God Osiris wanted stories. They both were very cunning characters because they were successful for getting what they