Comparing Hume's Ideas And The Power Of Mind

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Pages: 4

When working with knowledge of any kind in particular, it can be tricky to understand. David Hume has discovered complex ideas and the power of mind. There are a lot of the things that come together to form Hume’s ideas. For starters he believes that knowledge is divided into two sections. Theses sections are the basis line for all of Hume’s ideas and his mind set. The sections are: Relations of Ideas and Matter of Fact, but there is also what he calls Judgment, which are connection ideas, and Complex Ideas. Hume’s has discussed the importance of the each of these and showed that his ideas are really well developed. His strong ideas is what helps us connect everything thing together in to one thing. He has taken things further then John Locke ever did. Hume says ideas are made of knowledge. …show more content…
He has spent quite some time coming up with complex ideas, there are three complex ideas that Hume has come up with. Compounding is the first; it’s taking a whole lot of simple ideas and grouping them together to say that all these simple ideas and sensations belong together. For example if it has; tail, four legs, and fur it is then considered a dog, because a dog has all of those traits. The second complex idea that Hume has come up with and discovered is transposing. Transposing is taking simple ideas and mixing and matching them to make something different. An example of this is a centaur. A centaur is a half man, half horse creature that was created by taking two completely different things and putting them together to make something different, or something out of this world. Third complex idea is augmenting or diminishing. It’s basically taking an idea and making it larger or smaller depending on what it is you’re trying to do. Knowledge is when you take ideas and connect them together to get a new