Comparing John Smith, Starving Times, And The Introduction To Slavery

Words: 759
Pages: 4

Stomp, Stomp, Stomp the people of Great Britain land on the land at which they named "The New World." The New World all inaugurated in Jamestown. Jamestown, Virginia was the first permanent settlement in the new world. I will talk about John Smith and the Indians, The Starving Times, and The Introduction to Slavery. John Smith and John Rolfe will be two of the main characters; I will elaborate on in this manuscript. I will be administrating information for you look over, and matriculate so you will have bounteous knowledge, on the piece that I am scrutinizing over, and fixed to perfection it has no flaws at all.

First, John Smith was one of many companions to the organization of the Indians. His most Famous quote is "who will not work shall not eat." John Smith had a preternatural companion; she was the daughter of the chief Powhatan her name was Pocahontas. The Indians taught the Americans' survival
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In 1609 the first ever Africans were chaperoned into Jamestown as indentured servants. Then in the 1630's some of the Africans were enslaved and others persisted as indentured servants. Soon blacks could not have a possession of a gun or intrinsic a horse of any kind. Tobacco was a labor intensive-economy that was inferior to slavery. Slavery was the number one money manufacturer in the world at the allotment. Having slavery was a bad moment in history. They called blacks' property blacks and whites are the same thing color does not matter at all. They slowly took everything away from the Africans, and they quickly became slaves and produced the number crop in the Americas at the time. Slavery soon ended after the civil war; Abraham Lincoln was a wonderful president but was soon assassinated because he ended slavery for good. The North and the South both fought for years just because of the fact of slavery. Slavery made America alot of money; it was still wrong to have