Comparing Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 349
Pages: 2

I think that I am most like Lennie from Of Mice And Men. For example, we are both caring (pg. 93-95). Even though Lennie cannot take care of himself, he does everything within his ability to take care of his friend George. We also both do not like being alone. This book shows that everything is better with a friend (pg. 113). I’d hate to admit it, but I’m far from perfect and so was Lennie. Every now and then we both fail to understand just how much our actions can affect other people’s lives and that may get us in trouble from time to time (pg. 34-37).

Along with what I just said, it’s better to come clean with what you did wrong rather than to try to cover up your mistake. In chapter five, after Lennie kills Curley’s wife he throws away