Comparing Letter And Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Declaration Of Sentiments

Words: 575
Pages: 3

In Phillis Wheatley's letter and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Declaration of Sentiments”, they both address the flaws humans have that cause them to stray from their good intentions. It’s human nature to be imperfect, and throughout history people have proven that self interest is apparently more important than doing the right thing. Though it isn't all humans who do this, the mass majority of them do. Why is it that people can't be basically good? Why do humans, even with pure intentions, still stray? Throughout history mankind has proven to be far from good due to their selfish nature.

Man kinds selfish nature just so happens to be one of the many causes of their downfall. In Phillis Wheatley's letter to Reverend Occum, she talks about