Comparing Marx And Engel's The Communist Manifesto

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Pages: 9

Marx's and Engel's The Communist Manifesto revolutionized politics and history. It explains the struggle of the lower and middle class in a capitalist world and theorizes that the ultimate solution is communism. Political leaders, such as Mao and Castro, implicate this ideology in hopes to restore equality, but forget about their hubris and deep desire to simply rule over state, turning communism into totalitarianism. George Orwell's "1984" explores the exaggerations of the latter ideology from above. The novel, published in 1949, is a glimpse into a terrifying, yet potential future. It draws on the history of the Soviet Union, ruled by Joseph Stalin in 1920 until his death in 1953. Stalinist Soviet Union and Orwell's Oceania are strikingly similar: they both enforce secret police, labour camps, and abuse on the citizens in their daily lives, but the latter is simply an exaggeration of the former. In both totalitarian examples, citizens are terrorized and oppressed to a point of vulnerability in the mind, which either lets them believe that their state of living is okay, or that there is no hope left. This control satisfies the authority's hunger for power. One of the more prominent features of 1984 is the Thought Police. Although they are mostly discussed about, they do not make many physical appearances. …show more content…
"Much had changed in him since that first day in the Ministry of Love, but the final, indispensable, healing change had never happened, until this moment" (Orwell 311). The moment that the narrator refers to is when Winston, and his newfound love for the ruling embodiment called Big Brother, is finally released from Room 101. At this point, Winston's mind is exploited to accept the harsh ideologies of the Party, and to even develop a fondness for them and for Big