Comparing Me And Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

Words: 378
Pages: 2

`Odysseus and I are different because when he fraught against the Trojans he thought of a good plan to get in their city and still their things and kill them. I had a time when I was younger I had to fight someone, but I didn't know what to do and I didn't know how to get out of fighting him. Odysseus was lost at sea and its like how I got lost in Walmart when I lost my mom and tried to find the car i ask the police officer.

Me and Odysseus are alike because were both smart and wise. Odysseus found out a way to escape the cyclops and still make it to his ship. In a football game i had to find a way to get more yards and get off the tackles and find the hole that opens for me . We are also alike because we both got hurt