Comparing 'Most Dangerous Game And Sniper'

Words: 460
Pages: 2

All these stories are similar because they all could have been killed. In Sniper he was lucky enough to deceive the enemy sniper and kill him. In the story The Most Dangerous Game Rainsford hid from the general and his dogs and could get away. And finally in Liberty she caught two spies looking inside her house and luckily they let her go. All the stories are similar because all the characters faced a problem. In Sniper, his cover was blown and was being shot at by an enemy sniper. In the Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford had fallen off the boat and got stranded in the water. He heard gunshots from a direction so he swam toward them. In the story Liberty, the narrator’s family was waiting for their visas, the government found out about them and wired their house. Even though they faced these tough problems they could overcome them, weather …show more content…
In the story Liberty, the conflict is man v. society because the narrator’s family must go up against the tyrant’s power and leave. In the story Sniper, the conflict is man v. man because Sniper must defeat the other sniper. The story the Most Dangerous Game, the conflict is man v. nature because Rainsford must be able to overcome the obstacles that he comes across on. All the stories are different because they all have different solutions to their problems. The stories are all similar because they all take place in a hostile environment. In the story Sniper, he was being shot at by an enemy and was in a life or death situation. Luckily, he made a dummy and the sniper shot and thought he killed him. Then Sniper got back up and shot him and killed him. In the story The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford was being hunted by General Zaroff and his pack of hounds. Rainsford was lucky and could get away. The story Liberty, they are being watched by the tyrant’s spies and must get out immediately or they will no longer exist. In the end they all got out and where