Comparing Plato's Allegory Of The Cave And The Matrix

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Pages: 2

After, I read Plato’s allegory of the cave and watched The Matrix, I ask myself “what is real?” “Is everything that I see and touch is real?” Now I know that everything that have shape or body doesn’t mean that it is real because without mind, nothing is real. Both Allegory of the cave and The Matrix are connecting to metaphysic, and both have similarities and differences.
In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, the prisoner is able to see the reality of the outside world and reality of the cave that appear only black shadow. In the matrix, Neo is the main character, he is trapped in false reality that created by computer system, The Matrix. The Matrix was created to controlled over the planet.
The first similarity between these stories is Neo and prisoner accepted the reality. However, to achieve to see what reality is, Neo choose to take the red pill from Morpheus, which will turn Neo’s sense to another part of planet and allow him to see the reality that Morpheus shows to him. For prisoner, the prisoners perceive only shadows of the people and things passing on the walkway; the prisoners hear the talk coming from the shadows. They assume the shadows and the talk as reality. when the holder dragged him from the cave, he is so dazzled by the fire inside the cave and outside of the cave. He needs more time to adjust to
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Neo realized that human life is nothing but slave and under control of The Matrix like Morpheus explained to Neo “you were born in to bondage, burn in to a prison that you cannot smell and touch, like slave of your own mind” (The matrix). While the prisoner realized that the shadow on the wall that he is looking is the truth. It is all set up by the holder. When the holder dragged him out, then he followed the light and lead him to outside of the cave. His eyes exposed to the sunlight and see the tree is green and everything is color, everything is difference from what appear in the