Comparing Princess Leia In The Odyssey And Star Wars

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Pages: 4

The Odyssey and Star Wars movies are very mythical, but very interesting. There are princesses and queens. There are space ships and shuttles as well as king who lives under water. There are relationships and love, in these two epics. There is also hate and stress. In the movie Star Wars there is a character named princess Leia. She is the Organa of Alderaan, and she later becomes known as General Leia. She will be compared and contrasted with Penelope in this story. Penelope is the wife of Odysseus and the queen of Ithaca. Princess Leia in Star Wars the New Hope, is loved by two people. Hon solo and Luke Skywalker. She does not have to love or marry anyone, she does what she chooses. Whereas Penelope is loved by many as well but only loves her beloved Odysseus. She is forced to marry one of the suitors if Odysseus does not come home from his journey. They both are on the good side and fight the evil. Penelope is a very quiet and wise woman, but Princess Leia is a very sassy and loud woman. In the Star Wars movie Hon Solo told Princess Leia he is going to go out and destroy the air cannons. Princess Leia said in response, “No you don’t have to do this …show more content…
Odysseus feels like he couldn’t live without his dear wife Penelope. To wear as Luke Skywalker is in live with Princess and come to find out Princess Leia is Luke Skywalker’s sister. That did not change their love for each other. I mean granted they don’t love each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, but they do love each other like brother and sister. They are just really close and loving towards each other. In the Odyssey Calypso loved Odysseus and trapped him on her island. She would let him go. He did not love her though. She finally let him go because she wasn’t fooling him. She was upset but she knew she had to let him be happy. Same with Hon Solo. He was in love with Princess Leia, but she wasn’t love with him. So he had to let her