Comparing Priscilla And The Wimps

Words: 827
Pages: 4

Every human being has gone through some type of bullying, weather it is verbally, physical, or cyber bullying. Every person has bullied someone, even for the smallest issues, like their shoes, cloths, or if they did not have the “newest” technology. A person being bullied could be going through a tough time and they would be laughed at for the stupidest reason, and make their day even worse than it already was. The short story “Priscilla and the Wimps” by Richard Peck is a story about a bully named Monk Clutter and his “side gang” “Klutter Kobras” who overrules an entire school of people. The group is constantly picking on people know matter who they are, the size, or what they look like. In the story a kid named Melvin Detweiler is picked on constantly. For example like everyone is the school would say “There was a time when you couldn't even go to the rest room around this school without a pass”(Peck). The pass is not from teachers, “I’m talking about a pass that cost /anywhere up to a buck, sold by Monk Klutter”(Peck). After Melvin is constantly picked on a uncommon girl named Priscilla Roseberry, the largest student in the school. Monk would even pick on girls, so Pricilla decided to stand up to Monk by shoving him in locker and leaving him there. After he is there the school closes because of a huge snowstorm, so he was there to die slowly. …show more content…
Richard Peck short story “Priscilla and the Wimps” is a high comedy that use comic characters, and comic situations to convey the idea that people should always do what is right when someone is doing something