Comparing The DOI, For, And The Best Of Enemies

Words: 496
Pages: 2

The DOI, BOR, and The Best of Enemies essay all states the rights of individuals in America in their own unique way which makes them essential to us today. They all state steps in establishing a strong and long lasting government for the people and ensure freedom for our future generations. All three documents have a slight difference in them, thus making them an individual piece that say the same thing but mean something greater. The Declaration of Independence stated that we wanted to be an independent country. It states, "To assure among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station, which the laws of Nature and the Nature's God entitle them". Basically wanting to be in charge of ourselves while ensuring equality. Also wants the people to break away from any government that strips us of our rights as Americans and that show more power than the people that they're supposed to be taking care of and not controlling. It is our job and duty to over throw such a government. …show more content…
Amendment IV in the Bill of Rights says, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" meaning the law can no longer force themselves on to whatever you're entitled to without reason for being. Which also ties in with the Declaration of Independence about a controlling government. The Bill of Rights also stated, "Secure the blessings of liberty to outrselves and our posterity". So with the Bill of Rights we the people gained rights as individuals and were promised care, safety, and freedom for generations to