Comparing The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy By Douglas Adams

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Pages: 4

The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy is a story created by Douglas Adams in 1978. Why is it that a book created 38 years ago, still is popular among children and adults alike today? It could be the distinctive dialogue, the stunning style, the carefully constructed characters, or just the skillfully selected scenes. The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy started out as a radio series on BBC Radio 4 then had a stage show. It became a record in 1979 people at home can have a copy to listen while they are doing day to day tasks. In that same year, the Novel was released and it was followed by many other adaptations, for instance, the television series, the video game, the movie and more. The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy is truly a universal book that stands the test of time. Therefore, this book is indeed effective for teenagers to read, laugh, and enjoy with friends. The writing style that Douglas Adams chose makes the book interesting and enjoyable. Douglas constantly switches from story to story to make sure the reader does not lose interest. Sometimes he talks about Arthur Dents life problems then he switches to talks about an alien race taking over the planet. The brilliant thing is that all …show more content…
When they are at Arthur Dents house the government had to destroy it to build a bypass. A little later on aliens come because they have to destroy Earth to build a bypass. This is good because once you notice the pattern you know that every place will serve a purpose in some way shape or form. The weakness is that if a setting does not serve a purpose then readers will interpret it in a certain way when really it’s just a place. The setting choice being important is kind of like how it is important in Greek Mythology. We need to know where gods are because it sometimes defines them for example Zeus is in the sky at Olympus and when he gets mad the sky turns dark and thunder and lightning