Comparing Wes Moore's Journey To A Better Life

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Pages: 3

Two boys who are very similar end up with two very different lives. Those two boys were both named Wes Moore. They both went through poverty corrupted lives, yet their futures were very different. The author went on to be very successful, however the other ended up spending the rest of his life in jail. The author's family pushed him to make the right choices an that is the reason he is the way he is currently. One decision can impact a person's ability to achieve their goals. Wes is making the decision to move on to a better lifestyle. Wes heard about how levy was leaving the drug business. Wes had decided he did not want to sell drugs anymore, so levy told him how he was going to do it. The other Wes Moore says " Levy told Wes about job corps, a program he was about to enter. Started in 1964 as a federal initiative, job corps was designed to help disadvantaged youth"(Moore139). Wes was speaking to levy about how he wanted to turn his life around for his children. Wes wanted to work an honest job instead of selling drugs on a …show more content…
Wes was attacked while going to get food off campus with his friend Dalio. Wes the author says "I thought about my mother and how she would feel if this escalated any further. I thought about my father and the name he chose for me"(Moore 121). Wes talks about how he had to make a very hard decision and how he was weighing his options. If Wes made the wrong decision he could have endangered himself and Dalio so they fled from the situation back to their school. Wes and Dalio got themselves into a bad situation with some bad people. If they chose to fight, they could have gotten badly injured. The other Wes wanted to change his ways, nevertheless what he had done in the past affected his future. One of the only choices stopping the author from hurting his future was military school. The decisions they made changed their futures one for the worse and one for the