Comparing Words And Symbols In Elie Wiesel's Night

Words: 247
Pages: 1

To be uncertain means to be unable to rely on; to not be completely confident or sure of something. From 1933 to 1945, “uncertain” was most likely a word the Jews used to describe how they felt day in and day out. The Holocaust was one of the most horrific events that has ever happened to this day. Millions died while few survived; Elie Wiesel being one of the survivors. Elie is able to depict the misery of the Holocaust through his novel Night. While some may find photos as the easiest way to actually relate to the horrors of the event, Elie does an even better job at it with the words and symbols he uses. Throughout the battles the jews faced, there were many objects involved. For example, there was the yellow star that divided the Jews from