Comparison: Baby Boomer Vs. My Generation

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Pages: 2

Baby Boomer vs My Generation
As generations come and go, they each have their own individual values, attitudes, and goals that make them different from other generations. A gap has always been noted between the recent generation and the others before it. In my generation it seems to have developed a different attitude about life and themselves, comparing to my parents’ generation. In today is generation (my generation) we are selfish and babied more than my parents’ generation (baby boomers). My parents’ generation mind set was that the world doesn’t owe them anything, or their parents want be there to walk with them through life. It was their responsibility to make something of themselves. They were a more independent generation, because
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If they had a sharp mouth with their parents back in the day, you would of got a beating that made it dull, which would make them rethink about what they’re about to say to their parents, next time you were open the opportunity. My generation besides working for it we get it. We’re babied by our parents and society and it has really damaged our work ethic and the way we go about in life. We expect things to be done for us, instead of us doing it. Another thing is our generation has been given everything since we were born. We never really had to work hard for anything and that has turned into the habits we develop today. Being that we are given what we wanted, many of us don’t appreciate the simple things around us. We are very ungrateful and are always looking for more, rather than being thankful for what we have. Lastly, we are one of the softest generations because we have trouble listening to rules and regulations. This is in part due to the consequences of our actions. Now when we get in trouble, instead of getting a little spank in the behind, we get timeout. Our generation takes full advantage of these light punishments and that is why we are more motivated not to listen after. We say that it abuse when a parent spanks his or her child but its not, its abuse if they are beaten for